StyleMyFit Clothing Pvt Ltd
I co-founded StyleMyFit Clothing Pvt. Ltd.
- StyleMyFit makes (made) Custom/ Made-to-Measure Apparels to complement body type & personal styles – with the convenience of e-commerce
- A customer could design his own apparel on using a combination of fabric and styling options provided
- Once the customer designed his apparel and places an order, StyleMyFit stitched the apparel according to the specifications provided and delivered the apparel to the customer’s doorstep.
- I conceptualised the core experience and flow of designing apparel online. Pooled finances, collaborated and set up StyleMyFit with five partners
- We on boarded a Technical expert and a Visual Designer for developing the portal
- Portal is responsive, had the features of 3D Fabric Draping, Order, Inventory & User Profile Management and Payment Gateway Integration,
- Portal UI was developed using HTML5, Angular JS, JQuery and Ajax
- Backend functionality developed by leveraging Wordpress and WooCommerce features
- A 3rd party tool – Textronics API – integrated into StyleMyFit for fabric draping functionality.
- We set up backend operations which included a tailoring unit with a NIFT graduate overseeing operations, six tailors and about fifteen machines.
- Operations and Sales Professionals were on boarded as well to manage operations and close out on sales leads.
Current Status of StyleMyFit:
o After about two years of running StyleMyFit, and not being able to generate enough orders to sustain StyleMyFit (both through online and offline channels), we have decided to shut it down. StyleMyFit ceased operations in August 2017.
o The journey of StyleMyFit though has been a wonderful learning experience.
Expertise Gained: Entrepreneurship, Business Development, Retail Sales, Marketing, Promotions, Branding, Digital Marketing and Google Analytics